Brooke's Story
Today is the 4th of December and Brooke has her cleft surgery booked for the 9th. Hopefully she can stay well between now and then and we can start moving foward with feeding and speech. She will also be having grommets inserted so hopefully that will improve the hearing in her right ear. Time will tell.........
12/17/2010 07:04:48 am

What an amazing journey, it brought tears to my eyes. (You don't know me I'm know YahooAnswers- I'm maman-coquine)I just wanted to say Brooke is an incredible little fighter. I hope her cleft surgery went well, and things look up for you. All the best to you and your family. Happy holidays.

12/18/2010 11:47:10 am

Hi Kay,
Thank you for your kind words. She is an amazing little girl :) Her surgery hasnt been done as yet, so we are looking forward to a quiet Christmas and hoping a plan is made soon to get us closer to surgery early in the new year.
Have a wonderful holidays.


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