Brooke's Story
25 month Brooke with 30 month old cousin Zoe
Brooke is now 27 months old and is doing fantastic. She has begun speaking a little, she can sai Mum, up, out, no and Im sure there are many more that I cant understand becasue of the open palate.  She communicates in other ways very well, she points and babbles to express herself and she has started to put two signs together. Last month she finally got her teeth removed. They had decayed severely as a result of her relfux and constantly sucking her bottle to get enough calories in. She is much happyer than she was with a mouth full for painful rotten teeth. She had to have 12 removed, all she is left with is 4 eye teeth and 4 back teeth with steel caps over them for protection. She coped really well with the extraction itsself and was able to come home from the hospital the very same day :). Becasue she coped so very well under general anesthsia last month getting the teeth out, they are going foward with the plan to close her palate. Her surgery is booked for the 26th of May, 3 days time. Im both anxious and excited. It has been a long time coming and this time there is no reason that it can't go ahead and we can start making progress with eating and speech. She has progressed well in all areas over the last few months, she is much more stable on her feet, learnt to crawl, can now climb a small ladder and even clamber up onto a low couch. She remains incredibly affectionate and is so much fun. She loves her baths, loves to swim at the pool, she loves visiting Mel. She has discovered playing outside is the best fun ever and is still cheeky and out going. 27 months, weighing in at a cutesy 8.3 kg and standing a proud 73cm she is still below charts for height and weight but that really is no big deal at all. She is cute as a button :)

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